For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to construction please see link in left side menu.

See the table below to find information about current construction projects in the City.  To view current and upcoming construction projects on a map visit the Road Closures page.

 Current Construction Projects 

To view future plans visit the Ten Year Infrastructure Capital Plan page.


Project Name Start Date Completion Date Scope Project Contact Attachments
NW Area 1 Construction (Sunset Drive)
June 2022 June 2023 Roads, Sanitary, Watermain Chris Tillaart
519-631-1680 ext. 4167 [email protected]
Construction Notice 

Project Website
Meehan & Dieppe Street Construction  2024   Roads, Sidewalk, Sewers, Watermain   Javier Hernandez
519-631-1680 ext. 4259 [email protected] 
 Design Notice

Project Website

Dieppe Construction Notice
Highbury Widening April 2024      Patrick Anckaert, P. Eng
Senior Project Manager, Industrial Development
[email protected]
Henry Huotari, P. Eng.
Associate, Senior Project Manager
519-681-9916 ext. 5027
[email protected]
Project Website 
Highway 3 Twinning       Kevin Welker, P. Eng.
Project Manager
Stantec Consulting Ltd. 
226-919-5979 [email protected]
Deanna Pizycki, P. Eng.
Senior Project Engineer
Ministry of Transportation 
[email protected]
Project Website 
Kains Street Construction  July 2024 October 2024 Roads, Sidewalk, Sewers, Watermain  Ryan Pflanzner
519-631-1680 ext. 4197 
[email protected]
Design Notice

Public Information Centre Notice

Project Website
 Elysian Street Construction  April 2024 September 2024 Roads, Sidewalk, Sewers, Watermain    Cory Pietrzak
519-631-1680 x4179
[email protected]
Design Notice

Public Information Centre Notice

Construction Notice 

Project Website 
Avenue & Churchill Cresecent Construction
April 2024
 July 2024 Roads, Sidewalk, Sewers, Watermain   Javier Hernandez
519-631-1680 ext. 4259 [email protected]  
Project Website 

Churchill Crescent Construction Notice
2024 Road Rehabilitation and Trail Program May 2024   Roads Ryan Pflanzner
519-631-1680 ext. 4197
[email protected]
Project Information 
Fairview Avenue Rehabiliation and Bridge Removal  2025     Roads, Sidewalk, Sewers, Watermain, Bridge   Cory Pietrzak
519-631-1680 x4179

[email protected] 
 Project Website

Design Notice

Public Information Centre

For construction updates related to the Industrial Development for the Volkswagen/PowerCo plant, please click here.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during construction.  To provide feedback on completed construction projects, please take the survey provided.

Each Year the Environmental Services Department undertakes construction and design projects for infrastructure improvements throughout the City. Before the City starts a project, the City will locate all underground infrastructure in the project area. For more information regarding Locates, please visit our Locate Page or visit Ontario One Call's Page.