Admissions Process

All applications for admission to Valleyview, long and short stay, are completed through the South West Local Health Integration Network 519-631-9907 or 1-800-563-3098.

Once an application has been received by the home, it is reviewed to ensure appropriate placement. Once the application is approved by the facility, your application is placed on a waiting list at the CCAC.

When a bed becomes available, new residents are asked to keep the following in mind:

  • Residents must use the facility pharmacy.
  • Residents must bring the most current Notice of Assessment from Income Tax if staying in a Basic Room as they may qualify for a rate reduction. There are no rate reductions for semi-private or private accommodation.
  • If a Power of Attorney has been appointed, please bring these documents to be photocopied for our files.
  • Bring clothing that is comfortable; approximately 7 changes of clothes is sufficient to start.
  • Residents should not bring large amounts of money or valuables as the home cannot assume responsibility if they are lost or broken.

If interested in applying for admission to a long term care home or require further information please contact your local LHIN or visit the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care website.