The City of St. Thomas is a HIGH FIVE® accredited community. Our camp staff are certified in the Principles of Healthy Child Development. This provides our staff with the tools to ensure your child has the best experience possible. Our day camps are for ages 4-12 and run from 8:30-4:00pm with the option to add early drop off (7:30am) and late pick up (5:00pm) for an additional cost per child.
Day camps are a safe and fun way for kids to stay active, learn new skills, and make friends. The City of St Thomas offers PA Day Camps, March Break Camps, Winter Break Camps and Summer Day Camps.
Register for any of our camps at
March Break Camp - Registration is now open
Day camp programs are offered during the March Break holiday that aligns with the Thames Valley District School Board. These programs involve crafts, spring-themed activities, outdoor play, and more!
When will March Break camp be offered?
PA Day Camps - Registration now open
Dates: April 11, May 30 2025
Camps are from 8:30am-4:00pm with AM and PM extended care offered at an additional cost per child.
Summer Day Camps - Registration opens March 5th 9am
The City will offer 8 weeks of summer day camps in July and August for children aged 4 to 12. Core program hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30a.m. to 4 p.m. Extended care is available per child.
We offer a sports camp, arts & science, fishing, and a nature camp.
At the sports camp, each camper group will participate in a wide range of activities, including sports (ice skating, baseball, basketball, ball hockey, soccer, badminton, flag football, gaga ball, volleyball), swimming/splash pad, water games, active/quiet games, and arts and crafts. The sports camp is located at the Joe Thornton Community Centre.
At the nature camp each camper group will participate in a wide range of activities, including nature-based activities, fishing, nature hikes, scavenger hunts, guided exploration, crafts, painting, outdoor activities, daily splash pad, water games, active and quiet games. The nature camp is located at Pinafore Park & Waterworks Park.
At the arts & science camp, each camper will participate in a wide range of activities, including arts-based activities, science experiments, building various items (such as mouse trap cars and marshmallow catapults), active/quiet games, etc. The camp is located at Memorial Arena.
At fishing camp, each camper will participate in a wide range of nature-based activities along with lots of fishing! The fishing camp is located at Waterworks Park.
We also have special guests and a variety of entertainment at camp throughout the summer!
Summer Camp Dates:
Week #
Week 1
June 30-5 (4 day, Tuesday is a holiday)
Week 2
(2 locations)
July 7-12
Arts & Science
Week 3
(2 locations)
July 14-19
Week 4
(3 locations)
July 21-26
Arts & Science
Week 5
(2 locations)
July 28-August 1
Week 6
(2 locations)
August 4-9 (4-day camp, Civic Holiday)
Week 7
(2 locations)
August 11-16
Arts & Science
Week 8
August 18-23
*Note: There is no week 9.
Day Camp Frequently Asked Questions:
How long is camp?
A regular camp day starts at 8:30am and goes until 4:00pm. However, you can purchase before care (7:30-8:30am) and/or after care (4:00-5:00pm) by calling 519-633-7112. It is an additional cost. We do NOT provide childcare past 5:00pm. Campers must be picked up by 5:00pm at the latest!
When is my payment due for my child to attend camp?
We understand that not every family can afford to pay for 8+ weeks of summer camp at the same time. We ask that your payment is complete before the first day of camp that your child is attending.
What should I do if my family’s information needs to be updated?
If you or your child(ren) have had a change in guardian, phone number, email, custody details, names, genders, or medical information, it is critical that you inform our office staff so that we can update your account. Call: 519-633-7112. Also, if you have not already, please attach an emergency contact name and number to your account! This allows us to efficiently get a hold of you if your child were to get hurt or if your child feels ill.
Does my child have to go skating or swimming?
Skating and swimming are optional activities. If your child(ren) are not comfortable participating that is more than okay! There will be designated staff in other areas to lead campers in additional crafts, colouring, and games.
Who do I notify if my child(ren) will be absent/late/have to leave early?
If you know you will be late, have an appointment, will be picked up early, or have other relevant information with regards to being absent or the signing-in/out of your child(ren), please inform the sign-in staff prior to or email [email protected] or the program coordinator with the subject field as the following: “(Child’s full name) Absent (date away).”
Can I enroll in partial weeks or specific days?
No, for weeklong camps such as winter break, march break or summer camps you must enroll in the entire week of camp.
What rules do campers have to follow and what happens if they don’t?
We are an inclusive camp that does not tolerate hands-on, inequality, discrimination, vandalism, or disrespect. Failure to follow camp rules may result in parents/guardians having to sign a behaviour agreement form, a meeting between the program coordinator and your family, or your child’s removal from camp.
Will I have the opportunity to speak to a staff member prior to the camp?
You will receive an email one week prior to the program start date with further information, instructions on our drop-off and pick-up procedures, other program details and guidelines that you and your child need to be aware of as well as general information about the program. If you still have questions after reading through the information, please contact the program coordinator at the email provided.
NOTE: Please ensure your Univerus Online registration account includes an email address you check frequently and any notes we need regarding your child.
What are the staff ratios?
Our staffing model will be one leader for each group of eight to twelve children, with additional staff present for planning, oversight, coordination and cleaning.