Pedestrian Crossovers

The City is installing a number of new button activated Pedestrian Crossovers to improve pedestrian safety. At these locations drivers are required by law to stop until pedestrians have fully crossed the road before proceeding. This is different than at typical intersections where drivers may proceed once a pedestrian has crossed halfway across the road.

Pedestrian Crossovers can have a few different layouts but are designed by these key elements: 'Stop for Pedestrian' signage, a triangular yield line painted on the road, and optional rapid flashing yellow beacons.

To get an idea of how these Crossovers work please watch the video below:

Additional information is below regarding pedestrian crossovers.

Using pedestrian crossovers

Below is a quick guide to using pedestrian crossovers.  More detailed rules and the potential penalties can be found through the Ministry of Transportation.


  • Push button for flashing lights, if applicable
  • Indicate intention to cross
  • Wait for traffic to stop
  • Make eye contact to ensure the driver sees you
  • Cross once it is safe to do so 


  • When riding with traffic, follow rules for drivers
  • When crossing with pedestrians, follow rules for pedestrians; dismount and walk your bike across road


  • Stop for pedestrians behind the yield line
  • Make eye contact to ensure the pedestrian sees you
  • Wait until pedestrian completely crosses road before proceeding
  • Do not pass another stopped vehicle 
  • Drivers can be fined up to$1000 and 4 demerit points for failing to stop at pedestrian crossovers
Crosswalks vs. pedestrian crossovers



  • Sometimes have “ladder” style stripes that mark the crossing area
  • Found at a regular traffic signal, stop sign, school crossing or other intersection
  • Motorists do not have to wait for pedestrians to cross the full width before driving

Pedestrian Crossovers

  • Always have “ladder” style stripes that mark the crossing area
  • Always have roadside signage that says “Stop for Pedestrians”
  • Always have pavement markings to show where cars and/or cyclists must stop
  • Sometimes have lights or overheads signage
  • Motorists must wait for pedestrians to cross the full width of the road before driving

Motorists and cyclists must stop and yield to pedestrians wishing to cross, and must wait for them to completely reach the other side before proceeding.

Types of Crossovers

Pedestrian crossover - Type B

The Pedestrian crossover (PXO) Type B includes overhead and side-mounted signs, pavement markings, and a rapid rectangular flashing beacon (RRFB) and push buttons that can be activated by pedestrians.


Pedestrian crossover - Type C

The PXO Type C includes side-mounted signs, pavement markings, and a rapid rectangular flashing beacon (RRFB) and push buttons that can be activated by pedestrians. 


Pedestrian crossover - Type D

The PXO Type D includes side-mounted signs and pavement markings, including a ladder crosswalk and a 'yield to pedestrians' marking for motorists. 


Signalized Pedestrian Crossings

Mid-block Pedestrian Signal

A mid-block pedestrian signal (MPS) consists of traffic signal heads for vehicles on the major street along with signalized pedestrian fixtures and crosswalks. Since MPS are installed between intersections, there is no side street traffic. Pedestrians must push a button to activate the walk indication and vehicles on the roadway are subject to the same regulations as at any full traffic signal.

Crossing guard locations
The City of St. Thomas has crossing guards at three locations throughout the City. For more information see our webpage here.