Types of Basement Flooding:
1. Infiltration flooding - when soil around your home becomes saturated or when the ground water level rises higher than you basement and/or your weeping tiles are not working or are non-existent, water will get into your basement through cracks in the foundation walls and floor.
2. Overland flooding - when water flows overland it may enter basements through windows, doors, vents and other openings. This could be due to improper grading, exposed window wells, and extreme we weather conditions that exceeds the capacity of overland routes or underground pipes.
3. Sewer backup flooding - extreme weather events can overwhelm the City's sewer system and result in flooding. When this happens the water level in the system rises above the normal design levels. This condition is referred to as a surcharge. Basement flooding can cause serious damage and create a health hazard if not addressed properly.
Potential Causes of Flooding
A. Weeping tiles and downspouts connected to the sanitary sewer

B. Malfunctioning sump pump

C. Surface Water

D. City Sanitary sewer pipe full