Fairview Avenue and Bridge Removal - Talbot Street to Elm Street
The Fairview Avenue Rehabilitation and Bridge Removal project has been prioritized to address the poor condition of the bridge crossing CASO, enhance pedestrian and cyclist safety, renew aging underground infrastructure, and improve drainage in the area. The Fairview Avenue design follows the City's Complete Street Guidelines to make the street accessible for roadway users of all ages and abilities.
Existing Conditions
The scope of Fairview Avenue Project includes bridge removal, infrastructure rehabilitation, cycling infrastructure, and safety enhancements along with improvements to the watermain, storm drainage, and sanitary sewers. The planned construction will be phased to minimize disruption. The design incorporates a new three-lane cross section to create space for a continuous two-way left turn lane, grass boulevard, cycling facilities and sidewalk on both side of the street. The Fairview Avenue Construction project implements the City's "Complete Streets" philosophy to enhance accessibility for all road users including vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. A map of the proposed improvements can be found here.
Fairview Avenue Existing Cross Section
Fairview Avenue Proposed Cross Section
Fairview Avenue Reconfiguration - "Road Diet"
Fairview Avenue Reconfiguration Information - Active Transportation